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Featured Project
NBC Cityfront Plaza, Chicago, Illinois
JRA_Workiva Atrium_Atrium Interior
JRA_Workiva Atrium_Daytime with People

NBC Plaza was part of the on-structure Cityfront Center project along the north bank of the Chicago River, home to the local NBC Station. The Gleacher Center also anchors the plaza space with pedestrian links to Michigan Avenue and the Chicago Riverfront. The original plaza had deteriorated badly since originally built. Over time, 45 trees died and were replaced three times. Major problems were poor selection of varieties and failing planter drainage. The tree pits were covered with heavy concrete slabs limiting access, so replacement trees drowned as soon as they were planted. The original irrigation system failed and was never replaced.

JRA utilized Sketch Up to digitally model the space in 3D to explore concepts and gain acceptance of the project. While the design of tree bosques was desirable, the environment for the trees needed to be totally re-worked. Drainage was improved adding redundant drains to each pit so water depths could be controlled. New insulation was added to moderate soil temperature. A drip irrigation system provided moisture to individual trees based on locations and specific conditions. Concrete slabs were replaced with custom metal tree grates, and while costly, they allow access and air circulation below. Custom soil mixes were developed allowing good drainage and organics were added to promote a healthy growth environment.

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JRA_Workiva Atrium_Planters Rendering
    JRA Landscape Architecture PLLC Landscape Architects triangle
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  www.jacobsryan.com (p) 312.664.3217 / (f) 312.337.1550   1527 N. Sandburg Terrace, Chicago IL 60610